February 05, 2005

Hello Kitty, Hello World!

He first hooked me with smooth lines like, "i would never eat at mc donalds, but i wouldn't throw bricks at their windows either." (From an early e-mail...which reminds me that I never backed up my old e-mail that was stored in Outlook so I lost some of the best material from the beginnings of our relationship! BOO! I guess I'm still not over that loss. At least I still have the boy.)

That line was no gimmick. It was an honest statement about an honestly fantastic person who continues to make my heart leap out of my chest and back into my throat. Gasp!

Here's another honest Dave-ism that has me grinning ear to ear:
The man's current MSN Messenger display picture is just more evidence that the two of us were destined for each other. Pink Hello Kitty goodness. "Hello Kitty =^.^= Hello World!"

As my girlfriends and I like to say about these sorts of things, "How postmodern."

Graham would roll his eyes and scoff since he's apparently way past deeming things postmodern, instead preferring to call them sophomoric. God, we're such a pretentious bunch. Apparently not snobby enought to go to lowbrow-posing-as-hip chain restaurants like Milestone's. And we even went there for self-proclaimed yuppie, Vince's birthday. The food was as mediocre as would be expected from a restaurant that staffs its kitchen with cooks with nary a chef in sight; but the good times were rolling and I could only have been happier had my boy been there with me to indulge in said mediocre food and good times.

Tina and Vince's joint party meant that I had to miss my usual reclusive Friday night ritual of BodyPump class, dinner with the parental units (if I make it back from the gym in time to avoid eating cold leftovers alone) and fits of procrastination helped by TLC's What Not to Wear and phone calls to Montreal.

Aw shit. I have so much to write, but alas, I have to do actual school work! Heaven forbid that law school require work!

As much as I am better at actually doing some work this semester, I'm still not on par with my classmates---efficient and inefficient ones alike! Why am I at law school if I am preoccupied with 10,000 other things? Like crafting, writing, reading, politics, dreaming about the future with d. etc. etc.

I do love school though. I'm actually having a grand time. Back to work.

hazel at 18:43

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