
Of tardiness and smoked salmon

Lovely. 2 a.m. and I'm plugging away at an essay on Hobbes and Rousseau that is late. I'm exhausted and crabby. This is probably not the best time for me to poke around and re-vamp my diary. Meh. Now's as good as any. I'll start virgin fresh tomorrow with something more coherent; but for now I will reflect on recent milestones.

If I get my ass in gear, I will hand this essay in tomorrow. TWO DAYS LATE. This is the first time in my undergraduate career that I've handed something in late (with penalty). There's a time for everything. Sigh.

Another milestone: I tried to buy a few things at the drugstore today and my debit card was rejected because of insufficient funds. I was like "WTF?" and paid cash (the last bit of $ in my wallet) and then headed over to the bank to get an update of all my last transactions. I thought that I had money left for the rest of the month, but the balance read: $4.23!!! Yes, that's right. I have NO money left for the rest of the month. This has never happened to me before either. I'm wicked good at managing my cash and balancing my needs for fresh groceries, school supplies, dinners, movies, fun things, toilet paper, kitty litter...blah blah. Hopefully there is a paycheque waiting for me at the old apartment. Damn.

Ok, so I do have my savings that I could dip into, but I'd rather eat the rest of my frozen and canned food and only buy the leafy greens before I go into my future fund. Heh. At least my RRSP contributions are safe and sound. WHAT? So I'm planning for my 60s...maybe I'll retire before then and need that cash. I have nothing to hide, I'm from a hardcore investing family and I'm going to be financially stable in the future. So what if I toted my Sexilicious Gucci bag that cost me a few months rent to class and then indulged in sushi for lunch, only to discover while buying SpectroGel and handcream that I am broke!

Yeah, yeah. Sad day in this girl's world. Meh. At least this is the first financial fuck up. I could've done worse.

I just had to announce that. I'm not proud. I'm not really ashamed either. I'm just saying.

hazel at 1:53 a.m.

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