November 21, 2004

Botox, here I go!

I've been in a less than stellar mood lately due to sleep-deprivation, the insane antics of my family, car trouble, illness, missing of the boy and general stress. Yeah, I'm a wuss. Deal with it. I mean, that's what I'm telling myself to do. Sigh.

I've got no patience for annoying people right now. I'm shooting dirty looks to everyone who pisses me off. I'm going to need some serious botox in a few years if I can't get away from it all. Gah, I'm furrowing my brow just thinking about it!

Feeling a bit too full right now since I ate beyond my "comfort zone." I'm still learning. One day at a time. It gets better for a while and then I really have to fight with my inner unstable bulimic. She's a fucking bitch. She likes messing with my mind. I'm no bulimic, though. I know that.

In other news, I just read about the problems with Depo-Provera. I'm calcium deficient already, but thank God I'm not on Depo for birth control. I could never be on it anyway. I've never tried a pill that didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out. Yay for my own crazy hormones. WOOHOO!

Okay, enough. I'm going to church now to try to simmer down and appease my mother. Yay. If there's another homily about stem cell research, I'm going to scream. Or maybe just furrow my brow. Sigh.

Edited to add: Feel better after attending mass. Hurray for some spiritual peace. Rock on, sister.

hazel at 11:52

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