December 08, 2004

If you're going to dress your dog in high-tech fabric, stay away from me.

I just went for a walk and saw a beaver swimming in the river. Then some hyper, sinewy dogs in designer polarfleece humped my legs while their stupid-ass owners looked on without saying a damn word. As I walked away, they finally spoke, "[Names of dogs]!" Rinse, repeat. I hate that kind of trendy, self-righteous dog owner. Why don't you buy a goddamn designer leash to match those doggie sweaters?

Gah. Back to criminal law. Or starting it. Or whatever.

I'm not ALL negative. I saw a beaver today! Not THAT kind, people. I'm dating a MAN and he's in Montreal anyway. A swimming, buck-toothed, wood-chomping, dam-building BEAVER. Cool.

AND I got a very sweet e-mail from one of my favourite people in the world which was especially nice since our relationship hasn't been the same since I stopped being the Grace to his Will and moved in with my boyfriend. I think we're both relieved that we won't have to hatch our crazy Madonna-Rupert Everett plan to have a wacko family. Heh. The e-mail was nice, but we haven't seen each other in MONTHS and we won't get to see each other over Chrismukkah break since he'll be in London and Dublin. I, on the other hand, will be in rather unglamourous Toronto for half of the holiday and then in mighty Montreal. No complaints, though. I get to be with the aforementioned boyfriend. Schwing!

Now if I could only study. Sigh. Study!

hazel at 17:21

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