December 13, 2004

Are you there God? It's me...Hazel.

Have I told you about how I have the BEST boyfriend in the whole frickin' world? Yeah and you can't have him. Pptptptppt. :P

Okay, so I talk about the Davetron all the time; but how can I help myself when he does awesome things like calm me down when I am FREAKING OUT (and I'm really fucking good at that too.) How can I resist gushing about him when geography prevents us from being schmoopy in privacy?

Let me tell you about the stress that is lifted when said boyfriend downloads good music and sends it via MSN all neatly zipped and stuff! Let me tell you about the special sountrack (of course it's GARDEN STATE. What the hell else could it be?) he got just for me! YES! YES! YES!

I've also got Of Montreal and the Decemberists. Whee! Yeah, we've got pretentious pitchfork-esque musical taste. You wanna make something of it? Hehe. Don't worry, I still love me some quality pop music so long as it is GOOD. (Read: doesn't sound like that radioactive spraytanned tart Lindsay Lohan. Stick to acting, honey.)

Speaking of Lindsay Lohan, that chick is way overrated. I mean, she's got the hot bod etc., but she's no classic beauty. I mean she's definitely not beautiful like another freckled redhead Hollywood star, Julianne Moore.'s 2:20 and I'm supposed to be studying. Back to Torts. BIG HUGE SIGH.

One shout out to the big Man upstairs. It was nice reconnecting with You today. :) Watch out for me, okay? I don't want to fail. I'm scared. Thanks.

hazel at 02:09

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