

Phew...enough deep concentration on that law position paper. I've been passionately researching and debating the issue G8 nations' imposition on laws on less developed cultures for a few weeks...and have decided to take a break from my essay to reflect on my topsy-turvy life.

I've hit another speed bump on the road of life...school is overwhelming me. I'm drowning in a pit of unfinished assignments and too many commitments. I've decided to focus on academics and sleep; my relationships with distant friends have maintained their pathetic acquaintaceship level. I'm too tired to work, and too busy to sleep. *sigh* Enough complaining, though...I know that I have millions of things to be grateful for.

On the subject of gratitude, I am reminded of a beautiful diaryland entry that my brother shared with me a few days ago. (find it at eternity7.diaryland.com/admirable.html)Although I am an over-sensitive person and easily moved to tears, I think more people will be touched by what he had to say about out mother.

My brother and I have a special relationship with our mother. She is an unending gift from God. She is constantly giving of herself and exemplifies devotion and love for her children. Though we often don't articulate it, we admire her for her dexterity, strength, beauty, poise, kindness and intellect. Through "mundane" tasks, she loves us; with every hot cup of tea, delectable dinners, fresh-smelling load of laundry, gentle hugs, and daily work stories...she sacrifices her time for us. I love my mum...and I'm glad that she has instilled a good work ethic and sense of self-worth in my brother and I. She asks for nothing in return for all that she gives...and with his diary entry...my brother thanked her and touched her deeply.

So...what is my point? I guess I want to express to all of you readers that the story of my mother's profound dedication and affection for her children transcends my family realm. *WARNING* CHEESE-FEST AHEAD!---> Take time to let the world how you feel about your loved ones and reciprocate that love. Remember that even though you feel underappreciated, someone probably cares about all you have done. Most of all be thankful for what you have.

Ok...so that wasn't so deep or anything...but still is yummy and true.

bye all!


hazel at 22:50:19

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