
Love for brother, boyfriend, shoes and bags

Apparently I was getting ahead of myself when it came to cheering about the new comment system. I haven't the time or energy to work those kinks out right now, so this will do for now. Sorry guys!

It was really awesome to see my brother comment here, though. Yay! We never get a chance to speak, but we've both got blogs so we manage to stay connected. Of course, my brother's posts are a whole lot more cryptic than my excessive ramblings, giving me an excuse to actually e-mail or (gasp!) call the man and find out what in the world is going on in his life.

Today was much less productive than I had planned, but isn't that always the case? I did, however, get to speak to one of my nearest and dearest friends on the planet: Judy. She's dead broke right now, but she still called me long distance! I love her. I want to shower her with hugs and kisses! We hadn't talked for ages---yet another reminder that I'm a married hermit. Yet another reason why the move back to Toronto will challenge me to ground myself and reinvigorate my social life. I'm happy about that aspect. I mean, I often think about marriage especially since I'm kind of like Monica from Friends when it comes to milestones like marriage , babies and the like. Laugh all you want, but it is true. More importantly, I think that I've found the guy with whom I would like to spend the rest of my life. I never ask myself, "So why don't we get married right now?" since I know full well that we're not ready. Part of not being ready has to do with practicalities, but more importantly it is how those practical things represent personal developments that have to be made before that familial bond is made. I'm not sure that was really clear, but it really does make sense in my little pea brain. So there!

In completely unrelated news, I've been meaning to post about the movie "Saved!" since I saw it a few nights ago. Clever dark comedy that will surely irk many a mainstream American teenybopper. I highly recommend it. The social commentary is about as subtle as a smack in the face, but it is still smart enough for even the most discerning politico film buff.

Oh right and for my fellow fashionistas, I wanted to post about the Brown's shoe sale and my priceless find. Actually, pricey find would probably be more accurate since the shoes were indeed expensive, but anyone who has been to seasonal sales after Day 1 knows that being there on Day 1 is priceless. I picked up a lovely pair of Camper wedges before the display model in my size was even put out. Work that retail magic, you fashion whore. Oh yeah. The sandals were necessary since I have to retire my faithful wedges that have served me for many, many seasons past. I'll admit that the other purchase: a L.A.M.B. for LeSportsac by Gwen Stefani wristlette was just ridiculous indulgence. C'mon, though, I'm a self-aware postmodern woman with material desires, okay?

hazel at 9:31 p.m.

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