

Holla! This coding basketcase has finally figured out how to get her comments to work. I've decided to embed them into the entry so that y'all don't have to go back into the fugly diaryland commenting system to view them. You can holla back now as you please.

There are a few links for your surfing pleasure including Davetron's portfolio site. Schwing!

I also finally got myself a blogrolling account and filled the 'roll with some of my favourite reads.

Enough of the adminstrative blah blah. Let's get on to the meaty stuff.

Aside from a friendly visit by two HUGE (as in tall and buff) firemen who came to inspect our apartment this morning, not much has been happening in the funhouse. You already know about my adventures in coding and well, I've only been up for a few hours!

I've decided not to go back to Toronto for the weekend even though it is Father's Day weekend. I'm usually awful with getting gifts for my parents especially since I'm usually po', but this time I had sufficient funds to send my dad some CDs (Dido, Sarah McLachlan and the Corrs...what can I say? The man likes pretty girls with pretty voices.)He called yesterday to thank me and then reminded me that he pays for almost everything I do/buy so according to him, those were the most expensive CDs in the world. You're welcome, Dad! He's a nutbar, but I love him. My poor mother was all like, "No one gave me anything for Mother's Day! Not even a card!" Of course, I was in Hong Kong at the time and called her and then brought her back some wicked cool presents...but she probably still feels the shaft since my father never gets her anything and my brother (the one person who usually spoils her) has been so cracked out because of his insane job that he didn't get her anything. Maybe I'll send her something too.

Anyway, no Toronto weekend because I'm finally out of that funk (though I did have something of a meltdown in broad daylight on the corner of Ste-Catherine and St-Mathieu, but let's not go there...) so I'm ready to tackle the 8 million projects that lie before me. I've got mad clothes to pack away for donation since I'm finally getting to slim for some of them! *rah rah!* There's so much to get rid of before I move back to the T-dot. Sigh.

I should be off to run some errands. Canadian Tire, anyone? Maybe I'll find a gadget there to give the boy's father. Yeah, that's right. We ain't married yet, but I've certainly got myself some in-laws. Lucky me, since I love them. Hmmm...while I'm there, I can look for the fire extinguisher that hunky firemen did not find in our deathtrap apartment.

hazel at 12:30 p.m.

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