

Bye bye Barbarella. Hello Harry!

There are some glitches that I'm too damn lazy to fix like the "loving and loathing" fields replacing my "listening to" etc. ones in older entries. Now nothing from before this date makes sense! I kind of like it that way, though. Nothing I touch is free from the force off-kilterdness that dominates my life. Now I'm loving blah and loathing Shape magazine. Heh. Later, I'll be feeling the Internet and reading calories. Yum.

I haven't had a minute to myself to write because of work-related madness. See? Off-kilter life! I love it, though. I was finally able to take a day off and here I am re-kindling my lovely relationship with the Internet. Do you hear me, Internet? I love you.

I'm listening to Morrissey right now and feeling surprisingly mellow. I've actually never been much of a fan of Morrissey not because his music isn't great, but mostly because I'm about 10 years younger than his fanbase. With my kind of politics, it's impossible to not love "America Is Not The World" from his latest album.

I've missed writing so much. Not that I ever have anything remotely interesting to say, but certainly, my neuroses are better treated by crying out into cyberspace than by mindlessly shovelling food into my mouth.

Speaking about food, I've been struggling with many a food-related issue lately. I haven't gone back to therapy and while I've been maintaining some semblance of sanity, I've also had to work hard to keep myself from falling arse-first into a ditch of despair. I'm less concerned about general despair than the actions that come with such feelings. Thankfully, I've stopped myself from committing any heinous health crimes but believe you me: the force is strong. I'm stronger, though. Too bad that strength sometimes means that the number on the scale goes up. I'll beat this thing for good. Mark my words.

hazel at 3:43 p.m.

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