

I am the motherfuckin' grump right now. Blargh. There's the work. And then there is the exhaustion. And then there is the fact that I didn't squeeze in a workout today. But it all boils down to Dave leaving for Croatia today. Having home with me was the BEST! B-E-S-T! Okay, being at our home in Montreal is truly the best, but this was pretty awesome too. I am never happier than when I am with that man. I heart him to pieces.

Heh. Why does this diary always turn into a lovey dovey gushfest? Because love is all you need, folks! Seriously, I've gone through nasty bouts of depression, crummy bouts of self-loathing...all kinds of unfun stuff and now I'm going through lots of big changes, but I've got a constant source of joy.

I'm beginning to worry less about what my parents think of Dave too. I've even taken to sleeping with him in the basement instead of my kiddie bedroom while he's here. My brother warned me that my bedroom door wasn't fully shut tipping my parents off that I wasn't keeping up with the farce; but I laughed it off because I don't really care anymore. I'll admit that I was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, but my parents have stayed with us in Montreal and have slept in our bed while we slept in the living room on the futon. Gasp! That's right, my parents slept in the bed that I shared with my boyfriend in our den of sin while we slept in the next room! Why shouldn't they expect me to sleep in the same bed as my honey when he's in town?

I'm really not that bold and brazen folks, I'm a reasonable girl who respects her family, studies hard, and has wicked smart friends that don't tend to offend. I stay away from the ciggies, alcohol and drugs. I go to church on Sundays with my mother and grandmother. I don't stay up too late on school nights unless I am studying. I help my momma in the kitchen. So I'm a bit overweight; but I'm working on it! I'm a spazz; but I'm working on that too! (Same strategy, yo. Working out burns the fat and the rage. Score!)They don't have much to hold on me. They see that Dave makes me happy and treats me hella good. My mother even says shit like, "He's the only person who could stand you." Thanks, Mom.

Anyway, it's been a loooong day. I had a packed day of class and then I had to drive aforementioned boy to the airport while fighting insane 401 traffic. Grrrrrrr. Did I mention that I'm a nervous driver? Frick.

I've got mega-readings to do and some extra-curricular applications to hammer out before I catch some much-needed zzzzzzzzzs.

Hope that everyone who reads this is doing well. Working hard and loving life just like me! Huzzah.

hazel at 10:16 p.m.

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