
Don't steal from me, bitch!

Ah the joys of fraud and theft.

Not only I am studying criminal and tort law, I've gotten myself into a real case.

Going to file a police report tomorrow and take down the bastards who are trying to steal from me. I'm going to get their asses fired and hopefully, I can get them charged. They pissed me off so much that I was in the worst mood ever when my sweetheart called me all the way from Split, Croatia.

Sorry to Dave for being in such a bad mood when you called. The call meant the WORLD to me. Hurray for technology.

I did manage to get a wicked workout today though. Still, the management at this location must also suck since the girl at the desk knew JACK. She was really nice, but really incompetent. At least she didn't try to steal from me like the ones at the other location. I'm going to complain up the wazoo to higher levels of management. I'm going to make them pay. I ain't a lawyer yet, but I've got the fire in me already. BRING IT ON!

hazel at 12:41 a.m.

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