
Coffee and coppers

Finally called the cops to get this whole police report done so that I can bitch all the way up the GoodLife corporate chain of command. What a bunch of wankers. FACK. The police have been driving me nuts too. I went all the way to the station to avoid waiting around for a cruiser to show up at my house and of course, they tell me to just call the main communication line so dispatch can send some coppers to my house. Blargh.

God tonnes of work to do since I've been busy with other crap like writing that final report for McGill Summer Studies, joining the cult of the cellphone, seeing my dentist, working out...blah blah blah.

Finally starting on my LRW case brief assignment. I don't know jack about writing case briefs, but I'm confident that once I put my mind to it, I'll finish it within a reasonable period of time. Hallelujah.

Slept at 4 a.m. last night since I didn't make it over to Caroline's house till midnight. I was all at once weepy and chatty just like in high school during our many sleepovers. Had a blast, though. I've known these girls for over 10 years and we're tighter than ever. Judy pointed out that there's less nudity now, though. Ha. Not that we're modest or anything. Heck, I'll let you keep your imagination open. *grin*

I was also supposed to go out on Friday night for Tom's birthday, but alas, I stayed in to try to get started on my work. Of course, I didn't end up doing anything except waste away in front of the telly, but at least I got some rest. Actually, I did end up going to our community barbecue and actually ate HOT DOGS. Yes, disgusting as they are...sometimes a girl has to stray from clean eating and eat something from the bottom of the barrel. I also had a hissy fit when I found out that I missed Dave's call while I was eating said nutritional abominations. Thankfully, my mother was right about the boy's dedication: he called back. *big sigh of relief*

I'm still pondering applying to work on the law journal. I doubt that I will be accepted, but it's probably worth a shot. Also thinking of running for Caucus rep. Once a student politician, always a student politician. Let's hope that the politics part doesn't get in the way of fulfilling a meaningful mandate.

Too much crying this weekend due to various unpleasant situations. Hopefully, these outbursts will be few and far between. I don't care to be provoked too often. I can handle sporadic attacks, but too many will certainly grate on me. I'm not interested in being forced back to therapy for reasons beyond my control.

Feeling slightly sore from my past few workouts. Feels good, though. I'm big into hardcore cardio pushes right now. I like pushing for that peak. I've also surprised myself because I've been enjoying intense ab work; seriously, I've always loathed ab training, now I think it's the shiznit. Ah, the joys of training hard. That shit is better than chocolate. Now that is saying a whole lot.

All right, I'm all caffed up care of some fresh dark roast straight out of the Bodum and ready to go. 3:23 p.m. Let's see where the afternoon takes me.

hazel at 3:02 p.m.

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