
Non-GMO Hazel

I have this bad habit of crossing one leg under the other while sitting on chairs. I�m bound to end up with some varicose veins if I keep that up. Now, I�m all about fluid gender barriers and hate to bolster gendered ideas on behaviour but if it prevents me from ruining my legs, I�ll try to remember to be more �ladylike� when sitting.

As usual, I wasted loads of time this weekend and didn�t get half as much work done as planned. That�s okay, since I had a good time and feel pretty rejuvenated.

I�m insanely proud of the boy as his first major exhibit has proven to be a big hit. Even though I missed the vernissage and all that artsy schmoozing, I know that the response to his piece has been awesome. Not bad for a newly-minted independent artist who competed with 150 submissions to score a spot at CAFKA.

Want to know more about the installation and show? Hit up http://www.contemporaryartforum.ca/cafkas/2004-artists.html and check out �The Dandelion Field.� It�s hard to tell what the piece is like from the description; but it suffices to say that it is pretty fucking awesome.

My knees are feeling strong so I took a risk and tried a BODYSTEP class for the first time. Like all the other BTS classes, it was really intense and enjoyable. I was surprised to see the studio so packed on a Sunday morning and was initially annoyed by the size of the crowd mostly because of an inconsiderate middle-aged Chinese woman who showed no remorse while stealing my spot right in front of my face. Later, I fed off my moodiness and the size of the crowd to really push hard (without hurting my weak knees.)

Even though my knees are holding up, I think that I might invest in knee braces to avoid injury. My mother always jokes about my crappy genetic make-up, but I ain�t laughing right now since all those physical deficiencies are currently driving me mad.

I�ve got a mercurial temper like my Dad that annoys the crap out of me and those around me. I�m on my way to legal blindness thanks to him too. Oh and we all know about those infamous fat genes.

I�ve got an �apple� build that automatically puts me at a greater risk of heart disease. That crummy waist to hip ration also makes me potentially less fertile and less attractive to mates all while making it difficult to buy clothes that fit.

I�m also built for injury as I�m insanely inflexible and still can�t touch my toes without bending my knees. I have collapsed arches that can cause pain from foot and ankle all the way up through the leg to the back. I�ve got really weak knees that are prone to sprains and are bound to put me in severe pain from middle-age on. If all else goes well, family history still indicates that I should be up for an eventual knee replacement or two.

The list goes on and on.

I�m not complaining, though. I inherited lots of good stuff from my parents too, like a working brain! I�m just killing time. I�m good at that, you know? You seem to be good at it too since you are here reading this.

Have a great day, folks. I�m off to the races. No, not really. I�m just off to study. Blech.

hazel at 6:03 p.m.

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