
Eats, Shits and Heaves

I love Hot Hot Heat! I haven't really studied much this weekend (surprise, surprise!) and just I was letting that get me down, I played a little Hot Hot Heat and all is well. I've also got to give mad props to the Shins for picking me up, too. Saint Simon, Kissing the Lipless and Pink Bullets from "Chutes Too Narrow" are especially addictive!

And for some quintessential background music, Mogwai's oh-so-beautiful, Mogwai Fear Satan, and it's album-mate, Summer, are perfect.

I am a happy girl for I have beautiful music.

I promise not to start studying, no...scratch that...reading the course materials just a few days before the exam. From now on I will be a good law student! I promise! Well, as long as I still have good music to listen to. (Go away, grammar police. I'm taking a little break today, okay? I'm re-joining tomorrow AFTER the exam. If one of you buys me "Eats, Shoots and Leaves", I'll be better at evangelizing. Oh dear. Mixed metaphors. BLAH!)

hazel at 10:29 p.m.

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