

Sleep deprivation and a noticeable dip in energy make for some pretty lame writing, but considering the general BLAH-factor of my latest posts, everything seems to be in order. And no, I'm not digging for pats on the back or anything, I'm just acutely aware of how boring all this crap is to other people. I created a Blogexplosion account and within a few hours I was ranked a mere 3 stars on 10 on account of the zzzzzzz-inducing content. What can I say? I told y'all about the doldrums already!

Actually, I'm feeling pretty good. I had a run-in with some kim-bap (Korean maki/sushi rolls for the uninformed) and some reduced-to-clear pumpkin pie. HAHA. What? I had an insane day full of exam-writing fun, my first Faculty Council meeting and the most ridiculous Legal Research and Writing class that ever dared to exist.

I wish that I were kidding about the LRW class. It had me barely able to contain my laughter because it was such a farce. Some classic quotes: "Do not rely solely on Google for your research because Google doesn't have everything."; "I searched for 'same-sex' marriage using the online catalogue; now you can see all the books on same-sex marriage."; "Mariage...see here are all the French articles. They are under the French heading. The English ones are under the English heading." My neighbour insisted on making matters worse by sending me MSN messages that confirmed that I was not the only one who couldn't believe that we were subjected to that calculated killing of our beloved brain cells. It was still fun, though. At least that silly librarian was oblivious to people's shock as she kept going on with her presentation---amplified mouse-clicks and all. Oh my.

I decided against going to the gym today after class as I'm exhausted and didn't want to have to deal with suburban rush hour mayhem just to get to a step class that would wreck my knees. Another day for that kind of punishment. I think tonight is a good night to dust off some of my beloved fitness DVDs for some home fat-burning fun. AW YEAH. Party at Hazel's house! Let's hit the floor...for some crunches! Woot woot!

I wanted to talk about the Faculty Council meeting, but I'm burnt. I'm thrilled about sitting on Caucus and Faculty Council. I've got strong opinions that tend to run contrary to the Dean's agenda, but it seems like there is significant faculty support for the student voice. I also like how a few of the student representatives share my tempered idealism and avoid useless radicalism. We're all about the issues and initiating meaningful change. I'm a lucky, lucky girl. Yay.

Peace out, homies.

hazel at 8:07 p.m.

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