October 21, 2004

Cigarettes and Alcohol = just a song title to me

God, I wish I had something interesting to say--but those stereotypes about law school are true: too much competition, too much damn work, too much of everything. And too much of all that starts to kill the creative part of you that wants to ramble on about good food and hot shoes! Heh. I need to get out more.

"Going out" doesn't really happen for me anymore. I suppose it stopped ~2 years ago (since d. and I met). I used to party on Thursdays with Zach, bouncing around with coked-out fags and fag-hags alike in the loud and sweaty depths of Parking. When the electro-clash started to cause heart palpitations, we moved on down to the basement, where hot Black kids un-closeted themselves and grinded to some choice hip-hop. Good old "Faggy Baggy". What a bad name. Anyway, after Thursday nigths at Parking, Zach would come over and sleep with me. We'd snuggle and laugh and I didn't have to be afraid of feeling unattractive because my lack of external genitalia prevented Zach from finding me sexy anyway. Then came the love my life. WABAM! And that was the end of my youthful, "going out" days. We became the domestic couple (with cats to boot!) and d. even lost his mohawk for a clean-cut 'do. And now I'm in law school and I live with my parents! And I drive a mini-van to my suburban university! Oh heaven help us! 'Tis all good, though.

Anyway, I'm trapped in the library taking a break from all things productive to blah-blah in my diary. I've been at school for hours and not enough studying has been done! GRRRR! Don't worry I'm not turning into a law student-drone, but like I've been saying for the past few weeks: I need to kick it into high-gear.

I don't feel like I've been sucked into that nasty competitive realm yet; but I hope to use some of that hyper-energy that abounds to push me to work harder. Old habits die hard.

Ho-hum. Off to print off some exciting summaries. Huzzah. Perhaps I will make it to tonight's talent show at our sad little law school pub. See? I need to get out more. :P

hazel at 19:02

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