October 31, 2004

C'est l'halloween, c'est l'halloween...hey!

Too many Halloween chocolates consumed tonight! ARGH! Where are the kiddies? Don't they want all of my yummy candy?

Actually, some kids have been to my door tonight to collect some tooth-rotting goodness. The last set of girls ven complimented my decorations! That makes me feel better about spending all that time putting them up. I've got 4 skeletons hanging up, yo! I've also got a "Happy Halloween" door cover, those polyester spiderwebs, orange and black streamers, plastic bats, a vampire, a cool witch ornament that is partially burnt thanks to teen vandals...and the best thing of all! The boogie man o'lantern! (Yanno, the boogie man from the Nightmare Before Christmas). Dave and I carved the pumpkin together yesterday. We're such geeks. Heh. It should also be noted that I bought that pumpkin for 2 bucks! I'm such a mom.

I'm so exhausted and feeling gross from the aforementioned candy consumption. As usual, no work was done this weekend. GAH!!!!

I feel like I have a legitimate excuse though. Someone I know DIED this past week, okay? It's totally fucked up. I don't want to talk about it. BLAH. I wasn't close to this person, but I am tight with some of his friends. The circumstances are just so fucked up that I can't stop thinking about it either. He was so young...just a few years older than me. His wife of one year is no longer a young bride, but now a young widow. FUCK.

On a brighter note, I've got some chai tea next to me and I'm going to buckled down and do work till I crash. Then I'll take down my tacky decorations and work on the minutes for the sub-committee I sit on, organize my shit, take a shower and then go to B.E.D. Back to my twin bed in my kiddie room now that the boy has gone back to Montreal. I don't really like that old Queen bed downstairs anyway. It's not great for sleeping, but damn good for snuggling.

All these random thoughts! BLAH! Shit. I've got so much to do. It's all good, though. I've been pretty unproductive this past week since d. was here for 9 days and y'all know how crazy I am about him.

My parents are still away so I can work my arse off at the library without feeling bad about not coming home till late. Also, it will be QUIET at home since my brother doesn't come home till the middle of the night. WOOHOO!

Okay, time for work. Happy Halloween!

hazel at 19:31

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