February 13, 2005


Instead of daydreaming, I often compose journal entries in my head. It's hard to explain the difference between strict daydreaming and new school journal composition. It's especially weird since some may judge the 'pureness' of said journal since there is a possibility that it is comprised of pre-meditated entries and not the spontaneous, authentic slamming down of words on to the page (err...keyboard? Screen?)

Anyway, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that I never really get around to writing these things down since I'm forever too busy and too overwhelmed to really accomplish anything.

The past few days have been something of an emotional rollercoaster. Surprise, surprise!

One of my nearest and dearest friends is pregnant and in a weird twist of events, subsequently engaged. Our tightknit group of wacky, busy, loving girlfriends all booted over to visit newly pregnant J and her baby daddy, N, in their charming apartment in the CITY (not town) of Guelph.

It's all very scary, but also very exciting. I'm going to be an aunt, people! How cool is that?

I got railed on by a student in my section about something that just doesn't make sense and it made me lose faith in humanity. Of course, this happens very frequently. Like just a few minues ago, I was reading an acquaintance's blog and she made a very STUPID comment about Carly Fiorina's resignation from HP head honchoism, speculating flat out that women might not be meant to be CEOs. The future lawyer in me was all proud of my assumption spotting skills. No wonder I did well on the LSAT. Hello, T? As though being CEO of ALL companies in different industries means the same things. And those fundamental reasons that explain why almost all Fortune 500 CEOs are men might have something to do with systemic patriarchy? Oh, and fundamental is spelt without an 'o".

Right...where was I? Oh yes, losing faith in humanity. See what I mean? It's frickin' hard to face the world when it's full of people with selfish people with flawed logic forwarding crackpot theories.

I should shut up since I'm coming across as a prize bitch, but I can't help myself since I really am rather bitchy right now. Now you know! Hazel is occasionally bitchy! Note: occasionally doesn't mean often.

Want more bitching? I have to do Wilson proud: my stomach is in inexplicable pain, I am craving carbs like nobody's business, my back hurts since my core is still lopsided despite my attempts to strengthen more than just my abs, my desk is still messy despite all of today's cleaning, I miss Zach and his loving gayboyfriendnesswithout the dramaqueenquotient and he's not going to be in Montreal for reading week, I don't have a summer job yet, I haven't started my assignments that are due very soon, I also haven't read a single thing for the course in which those assignments are due, I miss my boy so badly it hurts MORE than those frickin' stomach pains, I cried a lot this week about food/body/body imate/stupid ass genes from hell etc. etc. since I had so many 'public' engagements that involved food and I cracked under the pressure and ate like everyone else, I will not be able to post a loss this week because of said food consumption...BLARGH!

Happy now? Phew. That feels a bit better. At least I've got the Strokes to keep me smiling. AND, at least I'm not too much of a fucking pretentious city snob to appreciate the Strokes. Go me. Seriously, shoot me if I get to be like G who turns his nose at the Arcade Fire because of too much hype. Fuck that noise. If you listened to the Arcade Fire before the O.C. crowd, you're still safe.

I'm out. (God, that's way too Seacrest for me now. Damn you, Ryan! I kill you!)


hazel at 19:49

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